The Holidays are upon us!
Seems like yesterday we were all saying this very thing…. But in the blink of an eye, the holidays are now behind us. Decorations have come down and have been stored away, Christmas trees have been placed outside alongside trash containers awaiting removal, and gifts are either being worn or exchanged for ‘proper fitting’ sizes. We are all ‘moving on’….
Moving on. Means different things to different folks. A New Year is upon us all and we’re taking stock of projects that we have identified as ‘save for after the Holidays’…. What projects have you been ‘saving for after the Holidays’?
Many of us have been toying with the idea of refreshing our homes. New paint? Maybe trying some new and refreshing colors for the bedroom or living room? How about furniture? Has Dad been told that his tired and worn recliner is destined for removal? Or that chair with the odd fabric…the one that never seemed to fit in with the rest of the furnishings. Are you still going to live with that? Maybe it’s time for a change. That’s where we can help.
Let us look at your home with a new set of eyes. We can see things that may surprise you…and sometimes with some minor ‘adjustments’ you will experience a totally different and refreshing look. Colors? We’re expert at choosing colors that bring new life to an otherwise boring room. Keep costs down by having us rearrange furniture that has been sitting in the same position for years. Bringing a room back to life doesn’t necessarily mean all new furniture….often times we can work with what you have.
Give us a call and let us help you to get that New Look for the New Year. You’ll be surprised at what can be done to achieve a a fresh new look for a reasonable investment in time and money….