Everyone has different priorities when it comes to spending money. Some of us are practical and will only part with our hard-earned cash when a “need” arises. For example, you need a new car. You may want a new fully equipped Corvette ZR1 starting at $123,000, but you say, “I can’t afford that” and opt for a Chevy Camaro starting at $25,000 or even a gently used Chevy Camaro for $10,000. Although you needed the car, you had options to satisfy that need.
The same principle holds true for home decorating. Let’s look more closely.
The interior of your house is looking tired and old and you know that a revision is in order. You want a change…a make-over, but you think ‘I can’t afford that. There’s new furniture involved, wall and window treatments, floor coverings, new paint and who knows what else! We’re talking thousands and thousands of dollars. Maybe somewhere down the road when things get…better’.
Whoa! Hold on a minute! You’re assuming that all these purchases are cut in stone for a new look. Not necessarily the case. Much of what you ‘own’ can usually be salvaged and revamped. Furniture can be painted or possibly upholstered. Walls can be transformed by simply changing the colors. Flooring can be covered or exposed showing off the original wood handiwork if that’s the case. Several new paintings (or prints) can totally transform an otherwise dull room. Your frightening thoughts about thousands and thousands of dollars has now been reduced to hundreds. Whew!
So how does this happen? For starters, by adding a fresh set of eyes, the ones belonging to your Interior Decorator. This person has been trained to listen to your needs/desires, keeping your budget in mind and is armed with strategies to transform your home into that home you’ve always desired. Talk to your designer about budget, a very important first step. It serves two purpose. One, your designer will know upfront where to take your project and stay within your financial boundaries and two, work towards your final goal. You’re going to be surprised that it doesn’t take ‘bottomless pockets’ to achieve the look you desire.
Give us a call for a complimentary in-house consultation. You may just be very pleasantly surprised!
Boise Interiors [208]995.5257